Haznil Zainal


The importance of organizational behavior (OCB) to achieve organizational effectiveness has long been recognized by practice managers. Some recent research in this area highlights the importance of OCB for almost all organizational forms and notes that OCB can improve organizational effectiveness in many ways. Over the past decade, organizational justice and trust in organizations have been the concern of scientists and practitioners of organizational studies, particularly with regard to their impact on organizational effectiveness and employees' desire to cooperate and be productive in the organization. However, some researchers in organizational studies have differences in researching organizational justice and organizational beliefs. With regard to organizational justice, some empirical studies address only one or two dimensions of organizational justice, while other empirical studies address the overall (three) dimensions of organizational justice such as distributive justice, procedural jus- tice, and interactional justice. For some of these reasons, research relating to the three dimensions of organizational justice (distributive justice, procedural jus- tice, and interactional justice) and organizational trust is still needed. Research that discusses the impact of organizational justice on the organizational beliefs of non-Western countries especially in Indonesia is still rarely found in scientific publications. Given that there is a knowledge gap (scientific publication) in the study of organization and human resource management on the subject, this study tries to prove whether the organizational justice dimension consisting of distributive justice, procedural jusctice, and interactional justice influence the level of employee trust in the organization especially at the College of Economic Sciences in Pekanbaru City, Riau, Indonesia.

Keywords: Distributive Justice, Procedural Justice, Interactional Justice, OCB, Organizationa Trust

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