Analysis of Service Quality and Satisfaction on AMIK Kosgoro Library

Eka Hendrayani


The library serves as a supporting university tridharma in education and teaching, research, cooperative extention. Therefore, the college library in charge of collecting, processing, providing and disseminating information in accordance with the curriculum in the college concerned. In addition, the library should also try to enrich the knowledge of teaching staff / lecturers to improve the quality of student achievement. The purpose of this study to determine and explain the extent of influence the quality of library services to the level of student satisfaction as users of AMIK Kosgoro Solok library. Viewed from 5 determinations of service quality: 1) tangibles, 2) reliable services, 3) responsive service, 4) assurance services, 5) empathetic services (emphaty ). The population is the student who visited the library. The sample of the study was taken from some population with incidental sample (accidental sample) technique. The sample size is 150 students. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. Data were collected through questionnaire given to the students, then the data were analyzed by simple regression and multiple regression with the help of SPSS program. The result of research about library services is viewed from 5 service quality determinant that is tangible, reliability, responsive, assurance and emphaty affect student's satisfaction level. The conclusion of this research is library service as a whole is quite satisfactory / influential equal to 68,1% with significance 0,00 to level of student satisfaction as user of AMIK Kosgoro Solok library. 31.9% is influenced by other factors. Advice to librarians to further improve services for the future so as to achieve maximum student satisfaction level.Keywords: library, service, level of satisfaction

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