Tourism is the most potential sector to be developed. BWalk is an educational tourism object in Malang Regency, which combines the concepts of hotel, food court, educational facilities, sports and entertainment. As the author explains in his book entitled Practical Administration and Front Office Work Procedures that the front office must provide excellent service that not only gives satisfaction and attention to customers but how and how to find out what customers want, so that it can give a positive impression and value from customers. The purpose of this study was to determine 1) The Effect of Work Systems on the Front Office Department on Guest Satisfaction, 2) The Effect of Service Quality on the Front Office Department on Guest Satisfaction, 3) The Effect of Work Systems and Service Quality on the Front Office Department on Guest Satisfaction at BWalk Hotels , Dau, Malang. This type of research is a quantitative approach. This research was conducted at BWalk hotel guests, Dau Malang. The sampling method used in this study is the method / technique of determining the sample based on chance meeting at the front office when guests check out and are willing to fill out the questionnaire. The total population of this study is 50 guests / customers who stay at BWalk. The results of this study indicate that 1) Work System has no significant effect on Guest Satisfaction, 2) Service Quality has a significant effect on Guest Satisfaction, 3) Work System and Service Quality have a significant effect Together on Guest Satisfaction at BWalk Hotel, Dau, Malang.
Keywords: Work System, Service Quality, Guest Satisfaction
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